
[Agenda]:InnoXpo Roadshow: Exploring Advances in CNS Disease Research

bioSeedin is dedicated to facilitating cooperation and transactions among global biopharmaceutical companies. To further promote global partnering and knowledge sharing, we have launched the InnoXpo Seasonal Roadshow.


The upcoming InnoXpo Roadshow, themed 'Alzheimer, Parkinson & other CNS diseases,' will be held virtually on February 5th, 2024, at 7pm EST (Monday). The event will last approximately two hours and feature presentations from six companies (listed below with introduction) highlighting their innovative technologies and drug pipelines.


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Basic Information

📢Time: Monday, Feb 5th, 2024 7pm - 9pm EST

Equivalent to

  • Feb 5th, 2024 4pm - 6pm PDT
  • Feb 6th, 2024 8am - 10am CST
  • Feb 6th, 2024 9am - 11am KST


💻Location: Virtual



Mark Tang, Managing Director, Good Health Capital


Mahesh Narayanan, Founder and Managing Partner, Neuvation Ventures


Rosanna Zhang, Partner, Coho Deeptech


🙌Agenda (EST):

  • 7:00 pm - 7:10 pm
    Roadshow opening & Judge introduction

  • 7:10 pm - 7:25 pm
    CK Regeon (KR)
    Speaker: Kang-Yell Choi, Ph.D. CEO
    Keywords: Small molecule, WNT pathway, CXXC5, Alzheimer’s, neurodegenerative disease, tissue regeneration
  • 7:25 pm - 7:40 pm
    Nano PharmaSolutions (US)
    Speaker: Kay Olmstead, Ph.D. CEO and Co-Founder
    Keywords: Nanomedicine, nanoparticle, Parkinson’s Disease, neurodegenerative disease, Nano-CNS ™ platform
  • 7:40 pm - 7:55 pm
    Suntec Medical (US)
    Speaker: Pauline Y. Lau, Ph.D. Founder and CTO
    Keywords: Immunotherapy, MINC technology, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, neurodegenerative disease, neuroinflammation, neuron regeneration
  • 7:55 pm - 8:10 pm
    TREKKA Therapeutics (US)
    Speaker: Chun Wang, Ph.D, Chief Scientific Officer
    Keywords: Vaccine, local therapy, drug-polymer interaction, orthotopic glioma, brain tumor, glioblastoma, CAPRO™ Technology
  • 8:10 pm - 8:25 pm
    BrainStorm Therapeutics (US)
    Speaker: Robert T. Fremeau, Jr., Ph.D. Founder and CSO
    Keywords: Parkinson's disease, IPSCs, midbrain organoids, GBA1 gene, glucocerebrosidase; familial PD, HTS, synuclein, lewy body
  • 8:25 pm - 8:40 pm
    NeuroDex (US)
    Speaker: Oded Biran, CEO
    Keywords: Lewy Body dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, exosome, diagnostics, amyloid, tau, alpha synuclein, Extracellular Vesicles (NDEs)
  • 8:40 pm - 8:50 pm
    Roadshow closing & Next Roadshow Announcemen


Company & Project introduction

CK Regeon (KR):

  • Company introduction:

CK Regeon Inc. develops First-in-class small molecule drugs which could restore damaged tissues of target diseases by restorative activation of the regenerative WNT/β-catenin signaling. The targeted diseases include Alzheimer’s, obesity, diabetes, and NASH. Our platform technology is a regenerative therapy by safe activation of the WNT signaling which was suppressed in patient tissue cells by interfering function of CXXC5, a negative regulator of the WNT pathway. A function control of CXXC5 by interfering its binding with Dvl results in therapeutic effects for Alzheimer's suppressed WNT/β-catenin signaling. Our candidates could be developed as first-in-class, oral small-molecule drugs for Alzheimer's.

  • Project introduction:

Wnt/β-catenin pathway is highly related with Alzheimer's, and it is suppressed in tissue cells of patients and animal models. CK Regeon Inc. develops first-in-class small molecules that restores the suppressed Wnt signaling in Alzheimer’s disease patient tissue cells by inhibition of the function of CXXC5, a negative feedback regulator, via its interaction with Dishevelled, an upstream component of the pathway.  The candidates reveal excellent therapeutic effects in the disease markers and behaviors for the 5xFAD model mice as we also observed in the 5xFAD/ Cxxc5-/- hybrid mice. The candidates also suppressed beta-amyloid accumulation and tau protein phosphorylation by restoring the WNT signaling.



NeuroDex (US):

  • Company introduction:

NeuroDex develops and commercializes blood-based, cell-specific exosome isolation technologies. Initially focusing on neuron derived exosomes and neurological indications in diagnostics. NeuroDex also has capabilities in oligodendrocyte, glial, and liver- derived exosomes. In 2024 NeuroDex intends to:   1. Achieve CLIA licensure for its lab.    2. Launch a blood based alpha synuclein assay for stratifying Lewy Body Dementia from other dementias,    3. Commercialize two research use only kits developed in house – for quality control and for neuron derived exosome isolation, and      4. Expand on its collaborations in patient stratification and pharmacodynamic assays.

  • Project introduction:

NeuroDex's first blood-based test is planned to launch this year, and it will be for diagnosing alpha synuclein pathology. Alpha synuclein is Lewy body dementia's pathology similar to amyloid and tau with Alzheimer's. Patients with this pathology can deteriorate rapidly if given antipsychotics (50% of dementia patients receive psychiatric medication). Additionally – separating patients that have a combined pathology of Lewy Bodies and Alzheimer's can be used to exclude patients from Alzheimer’s treatments, as these are less affective and have risks associated with them.



Suntec Medical (US):

  • Company introduction:

Suntec is a US biotech company discovering new immunotherapies utilizing its proprietary MINC technology platform. Suntec enhances the efficacy and safety of protein drugs, especially monoclonal antibodies, by significantly improving their penetration into the brain. This breakthrough technology is particularly applicable to neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and brain cancers. With a robust pipeline of drugs dedicated to treating these conditions, Suntec has already achieved success with STM-001 for glioma which have received NIH award and reaching IND/Phase 1 trial in 2024 in collaboration with renowned brain cancer centers, including Dana-Farber, MD Anderson, and Johns Hopkins.

  • Project introduction:

STM-003 is a groundbreaking immunotherapy for Alzheimer's and Parkinson's with a potential extends to Huntington's and ALS. This best-in-class innovative project not only delivers high therapeutic dosages effectively into the brain, mitigating toxicity concerns, but also addresses neuroinflammation while promoting neuron regeneration. Therefore, STM-003 has the potential to stop the progression of Alzheimer’s disease and for the patients to regain normal cognitive behavior. With major global pharma companies expressing interest and the Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation’s potential collaboration to accelerate its development, STM-003 stands as a promising advancement in the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders.



TREKKA Therapeutics (US):

  • Company introduction:

TREKKA Therapeutics is commercializing an innovative and highly versatile advanced polymeric biomaterials platform, CAPRO, developed at the University of Minnesota. CAPRO provides the ability to generate a large variety of polymers that possess diverse structures with highly tunable properties which can be adapted to specific active pharmaceutical ingredients to improve the efficacy and safety of small molecule drugs, biologics (peptides, proteins, nucleic acids, etc.) and drug combinations.

  • Project introduction:

Trekka Therapeutics is leveraging an innovative drug delivery platform to develop local drug therapies to treat CNS diseases. Our patented fully biodegradable CAPRO™ polymers can be loaded with a variety of drugs and injected or implanted into the brain, circumventing the blood brain barrier. CAPRO is engineered to match the softness of brain tissue, form intimate interfaces with brain cells, and disseminate drugs to reach their cellular targets at controlled rates. Current development efforts focus on treating resected glioblastoma and neurological pain management and can further expand to neurodegenerative diseases.



BrainStorm Therapeutics (BST):

  • Company introduction:

BrainStorm Therapeutics (BST) is a biotech startup dedicated to addressing the pressing global brain disease crisis. At BST, we are developing an innovative AI-powered human brain organoid platform to develop groundbreaking therapies that halt, prevent, or reverse synaptic network dysfunction and neurodegeneration. BST is led by an experienced team of CNS drug developers, brain organoid pioneers, neuroscientists, and data scientists. Collectively, we have advanced more than a dozen programs into the clinic for Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, schizophrenia, migraine, and chronic pain. We are applying a precision medicine approach focused on genetically validated targets that drive disease biology.

  • Project introduction:

BST's initial programs are focused on familial Parkinson's disease (PD) genes and the convergence of pathways in sporadic PD. We aim to identify disease-modifying treatments capable of halting, preventing, or reversing dopamine neuron degeneration in PD. The discovery of familial genetic forms of Parkinson’s disease provides a path to identify disease-modifying therapeutics for PD.  Midbrain organoids from a familial PD patient with pathogenic mutations in the GBA1 gene encoding the lysosomal enzyme glucocerebrosidase exhibit clinical biomarkers amenable for HTS.  We are conducting targeted small molecule screening of GBA1 PD organoids to identify therapeutic candidates that modify the PD disease course.



Nano PharmaSolutions (US):

  • Company introduction:

Nano PharmaSolutions (NPS) developed the platform nanodrug delivery technology, NanoTransformer® that generates nanoparticles of small molecule drugs without using lipids or polymers for safe and effective nose to brain delivery of CNS therapeutics. The US FDA green lighted GMP manufacturing facility which will open in 1Q 2024. Phase 1 clinical trial of the lead candidate NT-301 for Parkinson’s Disease is planned for in 2024. We are raising $10M in Series A to support this clinical trial. NPS is a recipient of NSF SBIR grant and raised $3.4M in pre-seed rounds.

  • Project introduction:

NPS developed the groundbreaking Nano-CNS ™ platform technology that delivers neurodegenerative nanomedicines directly to brain from the nose.  Nano-CNS™ allows drugs to reach the brain in minutes, not in hours like oral drugs, and has better brain penetration through nose to brain direct pathway. Its leading asset NT-301 is for OFF episodes of Parkinson’s Disease. Accessible (no injection), fast-acting and safe, NT-301 will be the clear choice for PD patients suffering from this symptom that has a great impact on their quality of life.


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